At the end of the third century, this area of Corduba underwent through a very complex urban transformation as a result of the construction of the extensive palace complex.
The palace is a closed building, oriented towards the northwest corner of the walled city, organized in two different constructive bodies, one, of reception, of military character and the other, of strictly palatine character.
The gate gave access to a large enclosed square, of considerable dimensions, more than 25,000 m2, whose physiognomy is of a military character. From this square there was access to another one, fully palatine, organized around a gate and separated from the exterior by a fortified and turreted façade, also military in appearance.
About the Palace we can claim that the enormous dimensions of the palace complex, 400 meters long by 200 meters wide and with an area of 80,000 square meters, are the best evidence to exemplify the importance of the city of Cordoba in the Roman Empire and more specifically during the third and fourth centuries. The semicircular portico is the unifying element of the rest of the architectural units of the building, to which it gives access through an arcaded and colonnaded corridor, in which openings allow passage to the different buildings of the complex. The most important room of the Palace is the great reception hall located in the center of the whole palace, with a basilica floor plan. On both sides are banquet rooms, nymphaeum and classrooms that could have served as audience rooms for important people of the court or for officials related to the administration of Hispania.
Among the archaeological remains that can be seen today are a late Roman monumental complex of unknown function, vestiges of the construction process of this monumental complex, hydraulic infrastructure consisting of cisterns and the connection with the aqueducts, and finally, remains from the Caliphate period located in the city's bus station.
At present, a unique building from the emirate period has been documented south of the railway station. south of the railroad station. This construction which preserves up to four rooms paved with hydraulic mortar paved with hydraulic mortar with all of them with a rectangular plan and one of them with an apse at the and one of them with an apse at the head, has been has been interpreted, while awaiting new excavations in excavations in surrounding plots and of a more more detailed study, as baths. Today, work is being done on its conservation and conservation and enhancement in the new building. Apart from this building, the site of the thermal complex located to the north of the great palatine hall is also worth mentioning. Of this building, floors and walls are preserved in elevation, and it is made up of several well identified rooms, which will make it well identified.
Gallery of the cryptoportico of the Palace. Source: El País |
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