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Showing posts from May, 2022


 We wanted to make the last enntrance to say goodbay to our readers. We hope you have liked our blog and also learnt about the Cercadilla Palace. See you soon!👀👋 Marina Cárcamo RuĂ­z Yoel GuillĂ©n-Brando Morales LucĂ­a Chávez MĂ©ndez


  Following up, the bibliography that we have used to make this project.  Ecured, Siglo III . [Consultado el 17/05/2022] Disponible en:   National Geographic, La Crisis del Imperio Romano en el Siglo III.,forma%20simult%C3%A1nea%20en%20diferentes%20lugares .  Ouriachen, H (2011). “El estado de la cuestiĂłn sobre el polĂ©mico palacio de Cercadilla (CĂłrdoba)”. Páginas 1, 4 y 5.  Enclave ArqueolĂłgico Cercadilla | Enclaves Culturales de AndalucĂ­a. Junta de AndalucĂ­a - Portal oficial . [Consultado el 17 de mayo de 2022]. Disponible en: Hidalgo Prieto, R.. Archivo Español de ArqueologĂ­a 2014, ¿Fue Cercadilla una villa? El problema de la funciĂłn del complejo de Cercadilla en Corduba. Archivo Español de ArqueologĂ­a . [Consultado el ...


 At the end of the third century, this area of Corduba underwent through a very complex urban transformation as a result of the construction of the extensive palace complex.  The palace is a closed building, oriented towards the northwest corner of the walled city, organized in two different constructive bodies, one, of reception, of military character and the other, of strictly palatine character. The gate gave access to a large enclosed square, of considerable dimensions, more than 25,000 m2, whose physiognomy is of a military character. From this square there was access to another one, fully palatine, organized around a gate and separated from the exterior by a fortified and turreted façade, also military in appearance. About the Palace we can claim that the enormous dimensions of the palace complex, 400 meters long by 200 meters wide and with an area of 80,000 square meters, are the best evidence to exemplify the importance of the city of Cordoba in the Roman Empire and mo...


It is known that the palace was built between 293-305 AD, which allows us to associate the palace with the ruling emperor of that tetrarchy, specifically the one in charge of the western part of the empire: Maximianus Herculius.  This is why the Cercadilla Palace is also known as the Palace of Maximianus Herculius. The date on which Cercadilla was built is known thanks to the stratigraphic sequence, both the relative dating of the sequence itself and the pottery and coins recovered from the foundations of the palace, and above all because an inscription has been found in a thermal bath, all of these information make it possible to date the construction of the monument.  According to archaeological experts such as Rafael Hidalgo Prieto, the Palace may have been built for three reasons; firstly, the possibility that the Cordovan complex was constituted as a private villa; secondly, that it was the seat of the governor of Betica or the vicarius Hispaniarum and, finally, that it w...


The Cercadilla Palace was built in Cordoba during the reign of Maximianus Herculius, emperor during the 3rd century AD who, together with Diocletian, Constantinus, Chlorus and Galerius, formed what is known as the first tetrarchy, a government of four that for a time guaranteed the integrity of the immense territory that comprised the Roman empire.  The Romans conquered Corduba in the year 206 AD and the Roman Empire spread out through all the Mediterranean Sea but it went through a period of crisis. Before that, the emperor Aurelian in the year 274 AD tried to put an end to the separatists and restore the unity of the empire, then Diocletian tried to decentralize the Empire with the establishment of the Tetrarchy. Nevertheless, Gothic people penetrated and invaded Greece, establishing a kingdom in the Northeast.  The main causes of the crisis where the weakness of the different emperors, the difficulty in collecting taxes and the pressure of the Barbarians. Rome went through ...


 PRESENTATION OF THE BLOG Hello to all the readers of this blog!  We are Marina Cárcamo RuĂ­z, Yoel GuillĂ©n-Brando Morales and LucĂ­a Chávez MĂ©ndez. We are students from the Geography and History degree at the Pablo de Olavide University. In the subject of the second year "Archaeology" we have been asked to do a research work of a Roman Palace and our choise is the CERCADILLA PALACE. Our palace is located in CĂłrdoba, AndalucĂ­a. In the past, it recieved the name of Corduba and was the capital of the Baetic province of Roman Hispania. We hope you like our blog, presentation and video!. Greetings  đź–¤   Model of the "palatium" by R. Hidalgo. Source:  ABC